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Health, Nutrition, and Behavior

By Harrison's Bird Foods

By Association of Avian Veterinarians, includes a list of avian veterinarians

By Wildwood Veterinary Hospital

Informational handout by Wildwood Veterinary Hospital

Articles by Mickaboo companion bird rescue, a volunteer run nonprofit organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area

Educational resources in Spanish and English by Bay Area Bird and Exotics Hospital

Educational handouts by the Medical Center for Birds

By For the Birds DVM

Videos by For the Birds DVM, New Client Talk and Medication Demonstration Video recommended

Bird care practices used by the San Francisco Bird Hotel

Youtube channel with parrot training tutorials and bird care informational videos

By Harroson's Bird Foods

Informational packet regarding diet by Harrison's Bird Foods

By Harrison's Bird Foods

Informational PDF printables and digital downloads by BirdTricks

If any of the links are broken/out of date, or if you have suggestions for reputable resources you think all bird owners should know, send us an email at

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